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Static Contact

Every thermal measurement contains the following data: contact forces and torques, index finger temperature and heat flux between the middle finger and material. 

The data was recorded for 60 seconds at 100 Hz sampling frequency.

forces.csv contact forces and torques in 6 columns - Fx, Fy, Fz, Tx, Ty, Tz [N and Nmm]

temperature.csv index finger temperature [°C]

heatflux.csv heat flux between middle finger and material [W/m2 ]


Every compliance measurement contains the following data: contact forces and torques, position of the linear stage, side and top view videos. 

One recording lasted 12 seconds. The force/torque data was recorded in 10 kHz, stage position in 10Hz, and videos in 44 FPS.

forces.csv contact forces and torques in 6 columns - Fx, Fy, Fz, Tx, Ty, Tz [N and Nmm]

stageposition.csv position of the linear stage [mm]

video(num)_1_2mms.mp4 side view video, where (num) is the material number

video(num)_2_2mms.mp4 top view video, where (num) is the material number


Every tapping measurement contains the following data: contact forces and torques, accelerations, side and top view videos, and audio data. 

One recording with 6 taps lasted 5 seconds. The force/torque and acceleration data was recorded in 10 kHz, audio data in 44.1 kHz, and videos in 44 FPS.

forces.csv contact forces and torques in 6 columns - Fx, Fy, Fz, Tx, Ty, Tz [N and Nmm]

accelerations.csv accelerations in 3 columns, Ax, Ay and Az [g]

audio.wav audio data

video(num)_1.mp4 side view video, where (num) is the material number

video(num)_2.mp4 top view video, where (num) is the material number


Every sliding measurement contains the following data: contact forces and torques, accelerations, positions and speed data, top view videos, and audio data. 

The force/torque and acceleration data was recorded in 10 kHz, audio data in 44.1 kHz, position and speed data in 60Hz, and videos in 44 FPS.

Material_sensor_(num).csv contact forces and torques in 6 columns - Fx, Fy, Fz, Tx, Ty, Tz [N and Nmm]

accelerations in 3 columns, Ax, Ay and Az [g], where (num) is the material number

Material_IR_pos_(num).csv 4 columns of data - Elapsed Time, Speed, Position X, Position Y, where (num) is the material number

Material_(num).mp4 top view video, where (num) is the material number

Material_(num).wav audio data of the sliding experiment, where (num) is the material number

Sensation rating

Every sensation measurement contains the following data: Surface order, sensation rating, and isometric view video. 

The surfaces were presented to the participants in random order. The sensation ratings are recorded in ascending order based on the material number. The ratings are based on eight opposing surface adjectives. Each adjective rating pair has fifteen divisions. The videos are recorded at 44 FPS.

Order_par(num).csv                 → Each column represents a material number.

Ratings_par(num).csv       →     8 columns of data - Rough/smooth, Flat/bumpy, Sticky/slippery, Hot/cold, Regular/irregular, Fine/coarse, Hard/soft, and Wet/Dry, where (num) is the material number

Video(num).mp4       → Isometric view video, where (num) is the material number

Images and thickness

material(num).tif top view image of the material, where (num) is the material number

thickness.csv thickness of the materials [mm]